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ye olde data

Monday, April 27, 2009

I found a stack of poorly labeled CD's in my office tonight which contain all sorts of stuff from around eight to ten years ago, including some archived web content that I decided to republish. Don't get too excited... unless old Apple II box art excites you, that is.

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IQ, others don't

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This morning, I got a first hand taste of this sense of entitlement that afflicts so many young people these days. A couple of co-frogs and I are standing in line at The Hideout, a local coffee house a couple blocks from where I work, and I'm awaiting my turn to purchase one of the breakfast tacos they stock every morning. The line is unusually long, but moving at a reasonable pace.

When I'm around the third customer from the register, a female about 25—let's call her Missy—enters the store and sort of hovers in front of me, but a little off to one side. It's apparent to me that she's trying to access the breakfast tacos sitting on the counter, so I take a small step back.

Missy moves in and begins rifling through the breakfast tacos, desperately searching for one that might bear satisfactory labeling. I figure that once she finds whatever taco she's seeking, she'll move to the end of the line, which is still just as long as when we had walked in due to a steady influx of customers. After all, why should she waste her time standing in line if they don't have her favorite breakfast taco?

So she eventually finds her taco. I even feel a mild twinge of relief as I revel in the leavings of her minor victorious moment. Except—she doesn't go to the back of the line. Instead, she turns to face the register, her back to me, with money in hand. Okay. I turn around to give my co-frogs the obligatory quizzical WTF expression and turn back to face this horrible, horrible person who has just cut in line. Does this young professional-looking woman really think she is going steal my spot in line? Really?


She turns slightly and I crane my neck to make eye contact. "Really?!" I repeat.

"I'm sorry?" Missy asks, surprised and confused.

"I'm sorry. The end of the line is back there," I point toward the back of the store.

"But I'm not ordering coffee," she explains. The Hideout, being a local establishment and not having a small squad of barristas at its disposal, is... well... slow at preparing its espresso beverages. So Missy has a system. In her system, non-espresso orders are faster and therefore should have a higher priority than espresso orders. I'm sure that in her mind, everyone in line would query one another and sort themselves accordingly. Non-espressos up front, espressos in the rear.

Aside from this generally being a shitty system (as systems go), Missy is the only one using it. She believes in her system and she defends it by saying things like, "But I'm not ordering coffee."

"I'm not ordering coffee either." I smugly proclaim. Guilt makes a sudden deep impression across her face.

The system that Missy designed, which was meant to bring harmony and efficiency to local coffee shops around the globe, has failed. She apologizes and relinquishes her spot and takes the one directly behind me...


(A shout out to Gregg Wygonik for the awesome image above.)

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Maybe I'm getting old, but I just don't understand spam these days:

From: nrlTvocucHwr
Sent: 4/13/2009 4:33:25 AM
IP Address:
77c8JU <a href="">dnqsescxfurg</a>, [url=]nahxepciyzib[/url], [link=]pamyquinrltz[/link],

I received the above via a site message (through a CAPTCHA). What's the product? What's the scam? Help me out here. Is this a phishing attempt? There are no url-encoded parameters to identify me... or perhaps the domains themselves are unique per spam recipient, which seems excessive. (Characters have been transposed above... just in case.)

All in all, this spam is unusable and I've reported it to Jakob Nielsen.

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easycare? not so much

Sunday, April 05, 2009

I just had to give the receptionist at the ADC EasyCare clinic in North Austin the business for telling Karen and me that they're a "walk-in clinic" (as their website claims) insofar as one is able to "walk in to make an appointment." No. She said I could leave a comment on the website! Uh, no! "I'm leaving a comment here. Fix the website. We drove in from South Austin and this is incredibly inconvenient." They even have a sign in the lobby that says this is a walk-in clinic, yet the receptionist is giving us some line about the website being innacurate. All the while, ONE PERSON in the waiting area! She confers with someone in the back, a doctor I assume, and finally agrees to let my wife be seen without an appointment. Not the first crappy customer experience story I have with these jokers. It's their front office people who are so terrible at their jobs... The nurses and doctors are great. Will defnitely bring this to someone's attention.

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